Friday, January 22, 2010

繼續說 T.a.T.U. 的 fly on the wall

廣播聽完找完歌詞, 當然就是按照慣例重複不斷的聽, 然後發現大約 1:18 的地方,有個男聲『嘿』了一下, 頗有 Justin Timberlake 在 Madonna 的 4 Minutes 或是 Dance 2night 裡面嘿來嘿去的那種 fu~ 然後緊接著的背景『木魚鼓點』聲, 也有異曲同工之妙.

然後大約 2:40 的地方, 那一聲『嗚啊~』叫春, 簡直就是 Britney Spears 的翻版啊~

T.a.T.U. 的 fly on the wall ... 好情色啊~

下班的時候開車聽廣播有人點播這首歌的時候才知道, T.a.T.U. 原來有新專輯... 這 lag 超大啊~

旋律很好聽, 很有 T.a.T.U. 的那種 fu~ 可是這歌詞怎麼... 不聽則已, 一聽不得了! 邊開車邊臉紅心跳啊... 這歌詞實在是太情色了... (羞~~)

Fly on the Wall 字面的翻譯是『牆上的蒼蠅』可是就歌詞來看, 翻作『窺探』比較合適 :p :p

[Verse 1]
When your naked in the shower,
When you're sleeping for an hour,
When you're big, when you're small,
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall.

When you're with her after midnight,
When you kiss her in the dim light,
When you break like a doll,
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall.

[Bridge - Lena]
Wanna see who you are,
Every inch, every scar.

[Refrain - Yulia]
From your head to your toes,
I would be there,
From your bed to your clothes,
I'm in the air.

When you think you're alone
I'll be down in the hall,
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall.
What you do in your room,
I could see it all,
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall, yeah!

[Verse 2]
For the drama that you're drinking,
And the dark thoughts you are thinking,
And the love notes that you scrawl,
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall.

[Bridge - Lena]
Silently, I arrive.
You don't know I'm alive.

[Refrain - Yulia]
From your head to your toes,
I would be there,
From your bed to your clothes,
I'm in the air.

When you think you're alone
I'll be down in the hall,
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall.
What you do in your room,
I could see it all,
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall, yeah!

Wish I was a fly on the wall,
Yeah, yea-eah.

[Verse 3]
Ever closer, ever nearer,
When you're looking in the mirror,
I would know who you call,
If I was a fly on the wall.

[Refrain - Yulia]
From your head to your toes,
I would be there,
From your bed to your clothes,
I'm in the air.

When you think you're alone
I'll be down in the hall,
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall.
What you do in your room,
I could see it all,
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall, yeah!

Wish I was a fly on the wall,
Yeah, yea-eah.

From your head to your toes,
I would be there,
From your bed to your clothes,
I'm in the air.
What you do on your own,
I could see all,
When you think you're alone,
I would crawl.

When you think you're alone
I'll be down in the hall,
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall.
What you do in your room,
I could see it all,
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

AMEX web problem?

I tried to apply an AMEX credit card via, everything looks good.

Two days after, I tried to check my application status and got nothing from After phone conversation with AMEX customer service, it is confirmed there is no application records in their system.

There must be some problem in AMEX internal system. Now I am hesitated. Can I trust this company?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

業務一張嘴, 死的也能說成活的, 偏偏有人深信不疑

DDoS mitigation 這種東西想也知道是買心安的, 防小不防大. 幾千萬 zombie 大軍一來, 管你什麼 C 牌 鬼牌 塔羅牌 擋著都沒有用. 業務一張嘴, 死的也能說成活的, 偏偏有人深信不疑.

『泥看看! 泥看看! 人家 C 牌的專(ㄧㄝˋ)家(ㄨˋ)都這樣說了, 裝了還會被打死一定是你沒裝好!』

寫到這邊, 突然發現原來講話的人有一種 菲姐 的 fu~