Sunday, December 11, 2005


前幾天的 狗洞事件 之後, 我努力聯絡油漆師傅希望他能友情幫忙回來修補牆壁, 可是年底到了人家生意好的不得了, 給了無敵友情價但是需要掛號排隊等空檔. 這搬家良辰吉日步步進逼, 掛號排隊實在是緩不濟急啊!
所以我決定拿出鐵梯、補土、水泥漆... 穿上最破舊的衣服褲子, 開始發展第二專長. 十多年前學生時代的訓練現在還依稀記得, 補土補了幾下手感全回來了! 越作越快手, 上漆順利完成之後, 拿出電鑽開始鑽牆釘櫃子... 呼呼, 第二專長練習的頗愉快 ^_^


Anonymous said...

How is everything in your new house now ?

Yulin Chang said...

Still like a toolroom :p
It is weird that I am monumentally tired when I arrive home in this week. Though the clean up progress is laggardly, but all the mass will gone on this Saturday since my mother-in-law will visit us and have a check on our living style.... Orz